I am a researcher and writer. I want to express in the clearest language possible that all statements made in this booklet are meant to be taken not in malice towards any identifiable people group but rather as discussion on issues of public interest, for public benefit, in good faith. I believe that my views on the issues contained here are also consistent with our faith beliefs which are contained in our statement of faith which can be viewed on our website(freedomandsocialorder.com). Whether you agree or disagree with what I have stated here we bless you. My articles are meant to be read with an open mind. By reading these articles you may find material that you find objectionable. By viewing the material, or any part of the material, printed in this booklet, you agree to wave any legal or equitable rights or remedies you have or may have against Shawn Stevens or Ramona Stevens in respect to material that you find offensive or objectionable contained in this article. Do not consider information found here to be legal advice from ourselves to yourself. Do not use information found here if you don't agree to these terms. I am not a legal authority and do not propose to be viewed as such.We therefore disclaim all liability for false or inaccurate information from these media sources. We disclaim all liability for the third-party information that may be accessed through the material printed here. By viewing the material of this booklet, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Shawn Stevens and Ramona Stevens and you specifically acknowledge and agree that Shawn Stevens and Ramona Stevens will not be liable for comments deemed defamatory, offensive or damaging and agree to dismiss any legal claims that you may have against Shawn Stevens or Ramona Stevens relating to the contents of this booklet.
Shawn Stevens
What does sacred Scripture tell us about the last days? Where is politics carrying us? What is the New World Order?
The above questions have been asked and remain an ongoing issue of great interest to many of us, that is those of us, who realize that our own futures and the futures of everyone around us, may be powerfully affected by the coming of a New World Order.
Our first question is; “What does sacred Scripture (The Bible) tell us about the last days?” This is of course an enormous topic but for anyone who would venture to unpack some of the answer, the following words from the Apostle Paul should reflect our attitude also. Speaking about understanding the future, he says; “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”
1 Corinthians 13:12 King James Version (KJV)
We see through a glass, darkly. He is admitting that he only knows about the future, in part, imperfectly, as if he was looking through a dark piece of glass and could make out some of what is on the other side. I am saying the same. In my very limited understanding, the following seems to me, to summarize some of what we can expect.
There is coming a Great Tribulation. The Great Tribulation is a period of what is believed to be seven years in which the world is undergoing tremendous upheaval and catastrophe unlike anything ever experienced to date. In the Great Tribulation the world will be ruled by a man called the anti-Christ. He will be totally evil and he and his government will persecute and kill anyone they catch who does not commit to their worldwide kingdom by taking an identifying mark. During this time, there will also be tremendous cataclysmic ecological disasters on a global scale that are sent by God as judgements. In the end, Jesus Christ will come and destroy the anti-Christ and his forces and set up a new peaceful kingdom on earth.
Somewhere in this timeline, Christian believers will be raptured out of this world. Theologians disagree and debate over whether this will occur before, during or after the Tribulation.
How do we come to an understanding of the Tribulation being seven years? I don't claim to be an expert on this, but eschatological passages of the Scriptures have been interpreted to say this. Because it is a little complicated I am going to give you the following quote from a theological source that summarizes this interpretation:
Daniel 9:24–27 reveals the purpose and time of the tribulation. This passage speaks of 70 weeks that have been declared against “your people.” Daniel’s people are the Jews, the nation of Israel, and Daniel 9:24 speaks of a period of time in which God’s purpose is “to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy.” God declares that “seventy sevens” will fulfill all these things. The “sevens” are groups of years, so 70 sevens is 490 years. (Some translations refer to 70 “weeks” of years.)
In Daniel 9:25 and 26, the Messiah will be cut off after “seven sevens and sixty-two sevens” (69 total sevens), beginning with the decree to rebuild Jerusalem. In other words, 69 sevens (483 years) after the decree to rebuild is issued, the Messiah will die. Biblical historians confirm that 483 years passed from the time of the decree to rebuild Jerusalem to the time when Jesus was crucified. Most Christian scholars, regardless of their view of eschatology, have the above understanding of Daniel’s 70 sevens.
God said that 70 weeks had been determined (490 years), but, with the death of the Messiah, we only have 69 weeks accounted for (483 years). This leaves one seven-year period to be fulfilled “to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy” (Daniel 9:24). This final seven-year period is what we call the tribulation—the time when God finishes judging Israel and brings them back to Himself.
Daniel 9:27 gives a few highlights of the final week, the seven-year tribulation period: “[A ruler] will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on a wing of the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.” Jesus refers to this passage in Matthew 24:15. The ruler who confirms the covenant and then sets up the abomination is called “the beast” in Revelation 13. According to Daniel 9:27, the beast’s covenant will be for seven years, but in the middle of this week (3 ½ years into the tribulation), the beast will break the covenant, putting a stop to the Jewish sacrifices. Revelation 13 explains that the beast will place an image of himself in the temple and require the world to worship him. Revelation 13:5 says that this will go on for 42 months, which is 3 ½ years (the second half of the tribulation). So, we see a covenant lasting to the middle of the “week” (Daniel 9:27) and the beast who made the covenant demanding worship for 42 months (Revelation 13:5). Therefore, the total length of time is 84 months or seven years.
Where does the idea of an evil one-world government come from? Read Revelations 13:1-7 and also verse 11. Here, it speaks of three figures who are working together in an end-time evil purpose. They are the dragon, the beast and another beast. Many consider these figures to be the devil, the anti-Christ government and the anti-Christ himself, or possibly, another evil individual, the “false prophet”. The idea of world government comes in when we read of the beast; “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.” (Revelation 13:7). From this we see that the anti-Christ's rule is expansive and evil. His kingdom represents a New World Order.
What does the anti-Christ do with his power?
Well, again there are two beasts who are working together and they give everyone the choice to receive a mark, which identifies that person as aligning with the beast (1st one I think). Anyone who refuses the mark is made incapable of purchasing products. We read; “ He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has [g]the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” (Revelation 13:16-17Footnote [g]NU, M the mark, the name) This second beast sets up an image of the first beast and we are told that; “He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.” (Revelation 13:15)
Is modern politics carrying us in the direction of a New World Order? The following is my opinion and I invite you to weigh it out. Please treat it as me sharing my opinion and not me teaching it as doctrine. None-the-less, I see something evolving around us that would seem to parallel what the sacred Scriptures say about the last days.
There is tremendous excitement among world elites over the idea of a one-world-government. This has been the case for a long time. Such a concept is the heart of an even broader concept called globalism? Globalism is a multifaceted concept. It is a focus on the world as a whole; it is a focus on the environmental, economic, religious and political union of the world. It is the belief that the world should pull together into one united economic, environmental, religious and, eventually, political entity(at least on some level).
Many Liberal and secular forces are pushing hard for a one-world government. The assembling of a one-world government is the determined effort of many leaders today. In 1943, Wendell Wilkie's book, “One World,” was published and sold over two million copies. Two years later, Emery Reves' book, “The Anatomy of Peace,” argued for the setting up of a federal world-government. Books, such as these, began feeding the grass roots movement towards one-world government. In the United States, individuals such as Grenville Clark, Norman Cousins, Alan Cranston and Robert Hutchins, were all instrumental in organizing and, finally, forming the organization, the “United World Federalists,” in 1947. This organization later changed its name to “World Federalist Association” and then to “Citizens for Global Solutions.” By 1949, they claimed a membership of 47,000. Similar movements arose in other countries leading to the formation of a global coalition in 1947, now called the “World Federalist Movement.”
Other key globalist organizations would of course be The United Nations, The World Health Organization, The International Trade Organization, The European Union, The World Economic Forum and others. The United Nations operates an International Court Of Justice, Economic and Social Council, UN Trusteeship and has peacekeeping forces around the world. These are all powerful expressions of globalism and channels of global government. Globalism is very real and is backed by thousands of people labouring towards this end.
The main problem that we Christian believers have with globalism and global government is that our sacred Scriptures warn us that the future world government will be totally evil and will persecute us.
What about our current political parties? Do they promote globalism? When I use the terms “Liberal” and “Conservative” in this article I am speaking more broadly than the Liberal or Conservative parties of Canada. I am speaking of Political Liberalism and Political Conservatism world-wide. Some Conservatives are more globalistic than others but, generally, Political Conservatism leans more towards freedom, independence, libertarianism and sovereignty rather than to globalism. Political Liberalism, on the other hand, is hog-wild, all-in, over-the-top, fully committed to globalism. In fact, philosophically, liberalism is one of the four pillars, or schools of thought, for International Relations Theory, which is an influential theoretical perspective that seeks to explain international politics. This is just one example that shows the marriage between Liberalism and Globalism.
So while Liberals are pushing hard to globalize our nation and our world, Conservatives, are to a large extent, resisting this push and standing for freedom, independence, libertarianism and sovereignty.
Again, the main problem that we Christian believers have with globalism and global government is that our sacred Scriptures warn us that the future world government will be totally evil and will persecute us. Liberals and Socialists don't seem at all concerned about this detail.
Not only are Liberals and Socialists not noticeably concerned about Biblical warnings of an end-time world government that persecutes Christians, Liberals and Socialists are increasingly intolerant of Christian values and of a Christian worldview. That is because Christian faith and modern evolving Liberalism are becoming more and more antithetical to each other. We Christians maintain that human life is sacred (“So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” Genesis 1:27), therefore abortion is murder and genocide (“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified[a] you;I [b]ordained you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5, also see Psalms 139:13, 16), that Medical Assisted Suicide is also the wrongful killing of human life(“My times are in Your hand;...” Psalm31:15)), that homosexuality is an abomination to God (“You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.” Leviticus 18:22), that salvation comes only through faith in Jesus Christ (“Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Acts4:12) and that freedom of religion and freedom of speech gives us the right to openly speak the truth of our faith ( “And since we have the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, “I believed and therefore I spoke,” we also believe and therefore speak,” 1 Corinthians 4:13).
(footnotes to Jeremiah 1:5 [a]set you apart {b] appointed)
In response to the fundamental Christian tenets mentioned above, Liberal and Socialist governments prosecute and, thereby, persecute, Christian believers through means of legislation restricting freedom of speech, restricting freedom of expression and restricting freedom of religion.
As Liberals and Socialists become more and more aggressive towards people of Christian faith, globalist organizations propose many changes that would increase and further monopolize their power.
Probably the most concerning globalist organization to exert its influence in recent years is the World Economic Forum. What is the World Economic Forum? The World Economic Forum was established in 1971 and is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. According to themselves : “The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.”Its founder is Prof. Klaus Schwab. It is comprised of representatives from many of the big-name, multi-national companies of the world as well as many world political leaders and select privileged individuals. It is a club for the very wealthy. Wikipedia reports that in 2011 an annual membership cost was $52,000 for an individual, $263,000 for "Industry Partner" and $527,000 for "Strategic Partner". In short, The World Economic Forum is a globalist club of corporate and political leaders and super-wealthy individuals who meet to strategize and shape world economies.
What are the strategies that The World Economic Forum are trying to bring about? They want a New World Order and a Great Reset. The “Great Reset” was the name for the 50th meeting of the World Economic Forum in June of 2020. Perhaps the biggest emphasis of the Great Reset is environmental conservationism. To achieve the kind of environmental conservationism that they would like to see accomplished, it will require dramatic restrictions on individual freedoms and individual liberties. The Great Reset also promotes green-technology and would usher in a new wave of super-technology that would make use of artificial intelligence, nano-technology, quantum computing and more.
Two other key components to their plan are Digital I.D. and Central Bank Digital Currency. Liberals would love to see citizens have a digital I.D., which would enable the government to more easily track us and be more deeply informed of our personal information.
Central Bank Digital Currency is a cryptocurrency that is issued and potentially controlled by the government. Some politicians dream of a digital currency that they could control, manipulate, issue, distribute, inflate, deflate, etc. This would be a Canadian Central Bank Digital Currency issued and controlled by the Bank of Canada, not by individual Canadian Banks.
The World Economic Forum is perhaps the single greatest driver for this radical global change that will eliminate, replace or change the world's current financial and social structures into a New World Order driven by environmental conservationism, a new modern socialism and a flood of super-technology.
The Great Reset also incorporates a new modern form of socialism. Countries are encouraged to adopt programs of Guaranteed Income for their populations. In this arrangement populations will receive their financial support from the government. They will either choose to supplement their financial support or perhaps even live off of it completely. However, in this system people will be encouraged (or perhaps required) to give up personal property. On the World Economic Forum's website they claim: “Universal basic income is the answer to the inequalities exposed by COVID-19.” (https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/04/covid-19-universal-basic-income-social-inequality/)
The form of The Universal Basic Income that they promote is “to sustain a person at a modest minimum, leaving sufficient incentives to work, save, and invest.” (https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/04/covid-19-universal-basic-income-social-inequality/)However,
The World Economic Forum suggests that such Universal Basic Income should come with conditions placed on individuals. They say; “ Finally, good arguments can be made for having very selective conditions – for instance, some that relate to public goods, like vaccinating all children and ensuring they attend school.” (https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/04/covid-19-universal-basic-income-social-inequality/)
Universal Basic Income creates dependence upon the government. Dependence and conditions to that assistance become powerful tools of control. Just what this list of basic requirements may be expanded to, no-one knows.
I see through a glass darkly. The monster that myself and many others see forming is a Liberal/Socialist government that is utterly globalistic, with no accountability to the individual citizen (who is far too small to affect any change to the global system), who controls our money supply, subjects us to intense surveillance, monitors our speech and who prosecutes and persecutes those who do not hold its values, especially Christians. Such a government and such a system, filled with the spirit of anti-christ, once fully set up, is just waiting for a most sinister leader to take the helm.
That sinister leader is none other than the anti-Christ himself. Remember the three figures who are working together in an end-time evil purpose, the dragon, the beast and another beast. Many consider these figures to be the devil, the anti-Christ government and the anti-Christ himself or possibly, another evil individual, the “false prophet”. Of the beast we again read; “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.” (Revelation 13:7). Who is this anti-Christ beast and/or his system?
Growing up, I had always considered the future anti-Christ to be as he is most commonly depicted, a westerner rising out of Europe. While this is still very possible, I also believe (still my opinion, I am not teaching this as doctrine) that he has Islamic elements to his identity. I still think that Western European structures and globalist structures such as the United Nations, The World Economic Forum, The World Health Organization and others, could be instrumental to his rise to power. However, there will be numerous facets of his identity that will be attractive to Muslims as well as attractive to a diverse world community of non-Muslims.
Not every westerner is aware that Islam teaches a coming messiah-like figure known as the Mahdi, also called the 12th Imam. The word “Mahdi” does not appear in the Quran, but rather in certain editions of the Hadith. All Shiite Muslims believe in him and many Sunni do as well. He is said to come to earth in the last days to rid the world of evil and injustice. Islam teaches that the Mahdi will appear shortly before Jesus returns and that the two of them, Mahdi and Jesus, will conquer the world and convert it to Islam. Could this person be the anti-Christ? Scholar Walid Shoebat has written a 490 page book called “God's War On Terror” and in it he argues extensively and very persuasively that the Islamic Mahdi is the Biblical anti-Christ. His book is packed with references as he lays out a very compelling case. According to Shoebat, both the Mahdi and the anti-Christ deny the Father and the Son, both are blasphemous, both are said to be deceivers, both claim to be a Messiah, both suffer a “Head Wound”, both work false miracles, both ride a white horse, both attempt to change the law, both govern 10 entities, both are the source of death and war, both honour their god with gold and silver, both usher in a 7-year peace treaty, both break treaties, both desire world domination, both practice beheading, both occupy the temple mount among other things. (Taken from War On Terror Islam, Prophecy and the Bible, table of contents) Could it be that these two individuals are one and the same?
Muslims are expecting that the Mahdi will rule for seven years, although some Islamic sources say nine years. (See Musnad-e-Ahmad, vol.4, pp. 56, Hadees 11223) Is it a coincidence that the Biblical anti-Christ rules seven years?
I have always wondered about Revelation 20:4 where we read that saints are beheaded in the tribulation. It reads; “And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to them. Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ for [a]a thousand years.” (Footnote Revelation 20:4 M the) I have thought “Wouldn't a modern, western anti-Christ execute us using electric chairs or lethal injections? After all, beheading is so archaic! I realize now, beheading is the Muslim way of execution. Beheading is exactly what a muslim anti-Christ during the Tribulation would do.
Wait a minute, how could a New World Order that began with liberalism/socialism and globalism end in Islam? Are not these belief systems too far apart for them to converge? Liberal beliefs such as feminism and LGBT activism are not compatible with fundamentalist Islam. However, the Liberal/socialism after it has created the structure for a one-world government and New World Order may very well be cast aside by whoever this one world leader is.
How could that happen? Isn't the influence of Western powers and liberal ideology so entrenched that it would be impossible to overcome? No, not at all. Political power is linked to money. It follows money. If the United States, Canada and/or Europe suffered an overnight crash of their economies, resulting in a dissolution of their wealth, their world influence and power would disappear just as fast. The power void would be filled by whoever next is the wealthiest player in this game. A rich Muslim anti-Christ who had the political will to do so, would have no hesitation in discarding whichever Liberal values were not acceptable to him.
Even if the end-time anti-Christ is not a picture-perfect representation of fundamentalist Islam, his message will still have enough to it that will resonate with multitudes of Muslims worldwide. His message will also resonate with multitudes of non-Muslims who also come to accept his leadership. The anti-christ will not necessarily be entirely Islamic in his identity. There will be many facets to his persona. I believe that there will be enough there that Muslims world-wide will think of him as the Mahdi. However, there will also be other facets of his identity or his persona that will resonate with Europeans, Africans, Asians, New Agers, and a multitude of others who will see in him the qualities and values that represent themselves as well.
An important thing to emphasize is that the government of the anti-Christ will be intensely religious. We have already read in verses quoted above how that this government will require the worship of the image of the Beast. I believe that this anti-christ government will have elements to it that are meant to be appealing to all religions. For centuries Christian writers have linked the pope of Rome to the anti-Christ. This theological position traces far back through church history. Pre-reformation groups such as the Waldensians taught that the Papacy was the anti-christ and some Lollard (Followers of John Wycliff 14th century) writings do as well. Of course by the time of the Protestant Reformation (16th century) very many reformers were teaching this, not the least of whom, Martin Luther himself.
Whether or not a current or future pope is actually the anti-Christ himself can not be known at this time for sure. Remember though that there will be other key positions in the anti-Christ's government such as “the false prophet” (Revelation 20:10). Perhaps the pope will fill this role. In any case, the point that I am trying to make is that the future government of the anti-christ will be appealing to a broad spectrum of people, resonating with Muslims, Catholics and Ecumenical Christians (that is Christian/Catholic Ecumenicals, who have been greatly deceived) and even other religious traditions. Prepare yourself mentally and spiritually to resist this deception.
I know that most believers reading this will say “Yes, but we won't be here because we are going to be raptured, pre-tribulation raptured, before the anti-Christ begins to operate.” I know that pre-tibulation interpretation is the majority view among believers, it is what we would all like to believe. However, my own studies and my sincere listening to the arguments of pre-tribers have not led me to this viewpoint. A mid-tribulation or post tribulation rapture seems more correct to me, although I humbly admit that I see through a glass darkly and don't claim to have it all figured out. If you would like to read, in fuller detail, what I have written on the topic, then read my article “Should I Prepare Or Will A Pre-Tribulation Rapture Sweep Me Away.” If this is a hard thing for you to accept, I would like to give you one scripture passage to consider prayerfully;
Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, 2 not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of [a]Christ had come. 3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of [b]sin is revealed, the son of perdition, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits [c]as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.
(1 Thessalonians 2:1-4 Footnotes [a] NU the Lord [b] NU lawlessness [c] NU omits as God)
Friend these verses say that our Lord's return and “ ...our gathering together to Him...” (the rapture) will not come until “... the man of [b]sin is revealed,...” (anti-Christ) first. The Church will be here at least until this revealing.
When the anti-Christ begins to operate, will there be a place to get away from him and from his system? Is his government truly world-wide? Remember, the Bible says “power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.” (Revelation 13:7) What does “all” constitute? Does it mean “all of planet Earth” or does it mean “all of the world region that we consider the Middle East and Asia-Minor?” I am not certain on this. I see through a glass darkly. The Bible does seem to be Middle-East-Asia-Minor centred. There is no clear specific reference to places like the U.S.A., Greenland, the Falkland Islands, or Canada, etc. However, “all” could be all-encompassing.
It would seem from Scripture that the anti-Christ rules for seven years and that only the first three and half years go well for him. The latter three and a half years are marked by catastrophic, cataclysmic judgments and upheavals as God's angels pour out the bowls of God's wrath upon the earth (see Revelation 16). He has three good years of relative calm to pull the world together under his control. How much of the world will he be able to pull together in the time that he has? Could it be that if you are an ocean away from him in a remoter place, that you might be out of his reach? Perhaps. Prepare for tribulation anyway.
Liberalism, socialism, globalism, super-technology, the great reset, digital currency, digital I.D., the World Economic Forum, climate activism, the papacy and Islam, all converging into a New World Order. What a mixing pot it will be. What a mixing pot it is now, in the set-up stage. Friend, if you have not made peace with God, please do so now. We are still living in the age of grace, where God can be found, through faith in Jesus Christ. Much more sobering than the coming of the anti-Christ, is the coming of Jesus Christ Himself. The just Judge of all the earth is coming back, to take His followers with Him and to judge the earth. He will smash and utterly destroy the kingdom of the anti-Christ. Then He will judge the earth. His hair is as white as wool, His eyes are like a flame of fire, His feet are like fine brass and His voice as the sound of many waters. (see Revelation 1:14-15) God bless you.
Shawn Stevens
Shoebat Walid. God's War On Terror - Islam, Prophecy And The Bible . Top Executive Media 2010.
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Musnad-e-Ahmad, vol.4, pp. 56, Hadees 11223
If you were to travel to Elbert County, Georgia, you would see erected on the top of one of its hilltops a strange and ominous granite monument. It is comprised of four giant stones that support a common capstone. It resembles the famous Stonehenge Monument in England. The Elbert County monument has aroused a lot of curiosity and it is often referred to as the American Stonehenge or The Georgia Guidestones. Inscribed on the monument stone are what can be considered the ten commandments of the New World Order. The first of these commandments, written in eight different languages, states “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.” The second commandment is “Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.” There is a lot of mystery surrounding the origin of this monument. It is not public knowledge who commission its construction. What is known is that in 1979 a well-dressed man, identifying himself as R. C. Christian, inquired of Elberton Granite Finishing Company for their assistance in building an edifice to announce a message to mankind. Beyond this little else is known about the origin of this monument.
Regardless that little is known of the origin of the monument, any man or woman can understand its message by simply reading it and its message is population and reproduction control. Our world is populated by over seven billion human beings. To reduce that number to 500,000,000 would require a program of very dramatic depopulation.
The idea of population control can be observed around the world, most notably in China where up until recently the government strictly enforced a one-child family policy. According to government officials, this policy has prevented four hundred million births. However, the idea of population control is not confined only to Asia. It is alive in western civilization as well. An early proponent was the British economistThomas Malthus who warned of the dangers of increased population and spoke of “positive checks”1 and “preventative checks.”2 “Positive checks” referred to natural causes of human depopulation such as natural disasters, diseases, famines, etc. “Preventative checks” referred to man-made initiatives to control population growth.
Man-made initiatives at controlling populations has become a popular idea with many social theorists within western civilization. Paul R. Ehrlich, an American biologist and environmentalist, in 1968, produced a book, “The Population Bomb.” In it, he called for mandatory regulation of births and the addition of fertility sterilants into the food or water supply. Sterility could then be reversed by taking a government rationed and government controlled antidote.3
The idea of adding sterilants to a public water and food supply was not unique to Ehrlich but was advocated by other early eugenicists such as Margaret Sanger. (For information of the eugenics movement, read my booklets “Charles Darwin and the Races of Man” and “The Truth About Planned Parenthood”). I strongly disagree with Ehrlich's and the eugenicists' call for compulsory birth regulation because it is a violation of human rights. I am sure that many others would agree with me and, yet, many prominent personalities in western history have advocated for population control. They would include Bertrand Russell, John D. Rockefeller, Margaret Sanger, Isaac Asimov, Frederick Osborn, Arne Naess and Jacques Cousteau. Modern-day advocates of population control would include David Attenborough, Crispin Tickell, Michael E. Arth, Sara Parkin, Ted Turner and Jonathon Porritt (the UK Sustainable Development Commissioner).
As population management is becoming a more and more popular idea in western civilization, more and more organizations are beginning to promote it. The late Jacques Cousteau said in “The Unesco Courier”:
“It's terrible to have to say this. World population must be stabilized and to do that we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. This is so horrible to contemplate that we shouldn't even say it. But the general situation in which we are involved is lamentable.”4
The magazine “Balanced View,” in their August 2007 issue, ran an article entitled “Reducing Human Numbers by 80%”. The author of the article, J. Kenneth Smail, said “My position is simply stated. Within the next half-century, it will be essential for the human species to have fully operational a flexibly designed, broadly equitable and internationally coordinated set of initiatives focused on reducing the then-current world population by at least 80%.”5 I strongly disagree with Jaques Cousteau and J. Kenneth Smail because it is not ethical to eliminate people to control population.
For many years population control has been a goal of many United Nations initiatives. The United Nations refers to population control as population stabilization. The U. N. organization, POPIN
(United Nations Population Information Network) says; “We believe that the time has come now to recognize the world-wide necessity to achieve population stabilization and for each country to adopt the necessary policies and programs to do so, consistent with its own culture and aspirations.”6 If you go to the United Nations website and type Population Stabilization in their search box, you will see that they have much to say about this topic. In their 2008 press conference on Revision of The World Population Prospects, the apparent message of Hania Zlotnik, the director of the population division, is summarized on the U.N. website to say; “To control overpopulation, governments must be prepared to admit to a problem and to act quickly to stem the tide, such as in Bangladesh, which now enjoyed a fertility rate of 2.4 children per woman.”7 The United Nations is enormously influential on the world scene. What is the extent of their plan for population stabilization? What does acting quickly to stem the tide of the problem of overpopulation look like? What are the necessary policies and programs that the U.N. would like to see implemented? I am opposed to such policies, programs and quick action because they are not spelled out.
If the world population is to be reduced, how is this to be achieved? The most common answer given by population stabilization activists to that question is that to achieve this will require birth control and in the definition of many birth control includes abortion. Human life is of immeasurable value. It is sacred. I am opposed to abortion. The answer is not depopulation. There are enough resources in this world to sustain it if people are given access to those resources. We need to return to valuing people again.
Shawn Stevens
1. Thomas Malthus, quoted in Human Population Control http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_population_control
2. Ibid.
Paul R. Ehrlich, quoted in Human Population Control, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_population_control
Jacques Cousteau, quoted in The Unesco Courier, November 1991, Pg. 13.
Balanced View, August 2007, Page 3.
94-09-06: Statement on Population Stabilization by World Leaders, United Nations Population Information Network. U.N. Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs with Support from the U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA), http://un.org
Press Conference on 2008 Revision of the World Population Prospects, http://www.un.org/News/briefings/docs/2009/090311_DESA.doc.
“Confronting the Twenty-First Century's Hidden Crisis : Reducing Human Numbers by 80%”. Balanced View, August 2007.
Cousteau, Jacques. Quoted in The Unesco Courier, November 1991.
Ehrlich, Paul R. Quoted in Human Population Control.
“Human Population Control.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_population_control
Malthus, Thomas. Quoted in Human Population Control. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_population_control
Press Conference on 2008 Revision of the World Population Prospects, http://www.un.org/News/briefings/docs/2009/090311_DESA.doc.
94-09-06: Statement on Population Stabilization by World Leaders, United Nations Population Information Network. U.N. Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs with Support from the U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA). http://un.org
“The Georgia Guidestones – Illuminati Ten Commandments?” http://www.rense.com
United Nations. Http://www.un.org
“Video : Ted Turner, Reduce population by five billion people.” http://www.lifesitenews.com
A vaccination is the applying of a vaccine or antigenicmaterial to provoke the immune system of a person into developing adaptive immunityto a pathogen. Most people within society receive vaccinations and allow their children to receive vaccinations without giving it a second thought. Some would be surprised to hear that there is controversy surrounding vaccination and that there has been for many years. There is a community of people within the medical profession and outside of it who have expressed serious concerns about the use of vaccines today.
Vaccines are immune-suppressing, meaning that they diminish a person's natural immune system, relying instead on the supposed merits of the vaccine itself. Not only are vaccines immune-suppressing, they are not free from side effects. Even the Institution Of Medicine has conceded that vaccines are not free from adverse effects or side effects. They concede that there is inadequate evidence to either accept or reject that vaccines may cause serious side effects.1 However, despite this uncertainty, vaccines are heavily used by the medical profession. In many places vaccinations are mandatory and this has further fuelled the controversy.
Opponents of vaccination argue, firstly, that vaccinations, at best, only provide temporary protection from the diseases they were made to protect against. Secondly, on some occasions vaccinations have been contaminated by other bacteria or live viruses. Thirdly, in some cases vaccines are believed to actually have caused the disease that they were supposed to protect against. Fourthly, some vaccines have contained poisonous toxins and chemical compounds. For these reasons many people do no use vaccines.
Many people would be surprised to learn that the disease rates of many diseases have declined on their own without the use of vaccines and, in some cases, have actually increased after vaccines were introduced to the public. For example, the death rate of polio declined on its own by 47% in America between the years of 1923 to 1953. In 1955 the polio vaccine, Salk vaccine, was made available in the U.S. In 1959, the Sabin vaccine for polio was made available. From the time period one year prior to the Salk vaccine until one year after its introduction, polio increased in Connecticut by 92%, in New Hampshire to 239%, in Vermont by 266%, in Rhode Island by 454% and in Massachusetts by 642%. In 1976, Dr Salk conceded that his vaccine was the main, if nor sole, cause of all reported polio in America since 1961. The Sabin vaccine also had dismal results and even The Centers for Disease Control has conceded that the Sabin vaccine is the largest cause for polio since 1983. Initially, attempts were made to make polio vaccinations appear like a success. The disease aseptic meningitis is similar to polio and it is often difficult to distinguish the two. In July of 1955, in Los Angeles county, before the Salk vaccine, there were a reported 273 cases of polio and 50 cases of aseptic meningitis. In September of 1966 in that same area, after the Sabin oral vaccine was made available, there were reported five polio cases and 256 aseptic meningitis cases. It appears that polio cases may have been referred to as aseptic meningitis cases, perhaps to make the polio vaccine look effective.2
In America, from 1900 to 1930, many years before a vaccine for diphtheria had become available America was experiencing a 90% decline in reported diphtheria deaths. Both then and now diphtheria can usually be controlled by simple applications of sanitary measures. However, in 1939 Germany made diphtheria vaccinations compulsory. Following the vaccinations a diphtheria epidemic broke out totalling 150,000 thousand cases. When France came under German occupation during World War II, it was also forced to receive diphtheria vaccinations. Following the vaccination program, France experience a diphtheria epidemic of 47,000 cases.3
In Australia, it was discovered that an outbreak of Rubella among army recruits had occurred despite the fact that 80% of those infected had been vaccinated for Rubella.4
Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is a respiratory system disease. From 1900 to 1935 the death rate from whooping cough in the U.S. had declined by 79%. However, a vaccine was made available in 1936. Several epidemics of whooping cough broke out, one in 1978, even though 54% of the cases had already received vaccinations beforehand. In 1984 it was reported that 46% of whooping cough cases in America had occurred among those already vaccinated for the disease.5
Smallpox is another disease that was on the decline before vaccination for it, in many countries, was mandated. Nutritional teachings and sanitation reforms in the mid-1800s may be credited for the decrease of smallpox. However, in England, in 1853, a law was passed for compulsory smallpox vaccinations. Prior to this, no more than 2,000 deaths in a two-year period had ever been recorded in England's history. However, between 1870 and 1871 (after the vaccinations) over 23,000 died from smallpox. During that same epidemic period of time, 124,000 people in Germany died of smallpox. It is reported that they had all been vaccinated for the disease. In Japan, despite a seven-year compulsory vaccination program, 29,000 people died from smallpox. In Australia the government actually discontinued compulsory smallpox vaccination after two children apparently died after taking the vaccine.6
If many people have suffered adverse effects after receiving vaccines, what are some examples of these adverse effects? It is reported that the measles vaccine may cause learning disabilities, aseptic meningitis, paralysis, seizure disorders and even death. Some researchers believe that it is a possible cause or co-factor for multiple sclerosis, blood clotting disorders and juvenile onset diabetes.7
As serious as the concerns over the measles vaccine are, the DPT vaccine is perhaps even more dangerous. DPT is a vaccine combination intended to protect against diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus. It is commonly given to infants and, yet, the list of side effects associated with it is long. It may be the cause for 106 degree fevers, swelling, pain, excessive sleepiness, diarrhea, high-pitch screaming, convulsions, shock, seizures, breathing problems, brain damage and even sudden infant death syndrome. At least one study has shown a death rate for children eight times higher than normal within three days of receiving a DPT vaccination. A study conducted by Dr. William Torch, of the Nevada School of Medicine, found that of 103 children who died of sudden infant death syndrome over two-thirds had received a DPT vaccination before death. Out of these 6.5% died before twelve hours after receiving their DPT shot, 13% within twenty-four hours and 26% within three days.8
There has been much suspicion and investigation into the cause for the dramatic increase of autism in children. Many believe that it may be linked to vaccines, yet this has not been officially proven. Part of the suspicion has arisen because the vaccine is administered at twelve to fifteen months of age and autism symptoms usually become apparent around fifteen to eighteen months of age. 9
Vaccinations today continue to arouse concern among many in our society. They diminish a person's natural immune system and are not free from side effects. In many cases, they have not prevented people from contracting diseases. If you are considering receiving vaccination or having your children receive vaccination, investigate this topic more deeply, weigh the pros and cons and come to your own conclusion on whether you or your family should use vaccinations.
Shawn Stevens
1. Dr. Joseph Mercola, “Vaccines Have Serious Side Effects – The Institute of Medicine Says So!” http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/09/27/vaccines-are-dangerous-says-the-government.aspx
2. Wade Gary, “Vaccines Are Not Safe Or Effective” http://www.lifeenergymedice.com/VACCINES.html : Micheal Alderson, International Mortality Statistics ( Washington, D.C. : Facts on File, 1981), p. 177-178 ;
Robert Mendelson, M.D., How To Raise A Healthy Child … In Spite of Your Doctor (Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1984), p. 228 ;
See Ref. 44, p. 210 and 228 ;
Hannah Allen, Don’t Get Stuck: The Case Against Vaccinations …, (Oldsman, F1: National Hygiene Press, 1985), p. 146 ; Eleanor McBean, The Poisoned Needle,(Makelumne Hill, CA: Health Research, 1974), p. 140.
3. Wade Gary, “Vaccines Are Not Safe Or Effective”; Micheal Alderson, International Mortality Statistics ( Washington, D.C. : Facts on File, 1981), p. 161-162.; Richard Moskowitz, M.D., Immunizations: The Other Side, Mothering (Spring 1984), p. 36.
4. Wade Gary, “Vaccines Are Not Safe Or Effective”; Dr. B. Allan, Australian J. of Medical Technology. 4, (1973), p. 26-27.
5. Wade Gary, “Vaccines Are Not Safe Or Effective”; Richard Moskowitz, M.D., Immunizations: The Other Side, Mothering (Spring 1984), p. 36.;
Robert Mendelson, M.D., How To Raise A Healthy Child … In Spite of Your Doctor (Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1984),p. 219.; S.A. Halperin, et al., “Persistence of Pertussis in an Immunized Population: Results of the Nova Scotia Enhanced Pertussis Surveillance Program,” Journal of Pediatrics(Nov. 1989), p. 686-693.
6. Wade Gary, “Vaccines Are Not Safe Or Effective”; Neil Z. Miller, Vaccines: Are They Really Safe And Effective, (Santa Fe, New Mexico: New Atlantean Press, Neil Z. Miller, 2008), Pg 45-46.
7. Wade Gary, “Vaccines Are Not Safe Or Effective”; Robert Mendelson, M.D., How To Raise A Healthy Child … In Spite of Your Doctor (Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1984), p. 215.
8. Wade Gary, “Vaccines Are Not Safe Or Effective”; Vaccines: Are They Really Safe And Effective? (Santa Fe, New Mexico: New Atlantean Press, Neil Z. Miller, 2008),p. 36.
9. Dr. Smita Malhotra, “Dangers of Vaccines For Children” http://www.livestrong.com/article/93094-dangers-vaccines-children
10. Neil Z. Miller, Vaccines: Are They Really Safe And Effective? (Santa Fe, New Mexico: New Atlantean Press, Neil Z. Miller, 2008), 49-61 ; “OPV AIDS hypothesis” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OPV_AIDS_hypothesis; “SV40” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SV40; Agenda 21 The Depopulation Agenda For a New World Order
“Vaccination” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/vaccination